Integration of technology in the classroom, the benefit for learners — Victor Tubotamuno

Victor Tubotamuno
3 min readJun 1, 2022
Victor Tubotamuno — CEO, Earlybrite
Victor Tubotamuno — CEO, Brite

The educational sector has been sluggish in embracing technological trends. The current educational technology trends are a welcome growth and offer possibilities to fulfill developing pedagogy needs. Innovations like virtual learning tools make holding classes at any time possible, and advancements like augmented reality and immersive learning are crucial to leveraging in increasing the learning experience.

Digital trends in pedagogy have emanated from the pandemic, which made distance learning crucial. These trends are formed on connectivity, adaptability, and student-based learning.

Teachers can now use technology to transmit information for better assimilation. It has modified traditional methods of teaching into an exciting experience.

Below are the 5 ways learners benefit most from the use of technology

1. Integration of Various Teaching Methods

The various needs of students make it difficult to embrace the learning strategy appropriately. Technology can aid instructors in modifying their lessons. Integrating technology enables pupils to learn via a channel of their very own choice. For instance, kids who enjoy storytelling can tell a story to explain a particular subject matter. With a customized experience, edtech can help instructors in deciding and assessing the skills of all learners.

2. Creating of Exciting Environment

Technology can boost student engagement in the classroom. Students can engage with courses through technology such as computer systems and notepads, which improve course content retention. An instance is how an interactive movie can improve students’ curiosity and participation in the class.

3. Investing in the Future

Many companies include the most recent technologies into their workflow, and students familiar with technology will find it easier to integrate into the future workforce. If students are conditioned to use technology in the classroom, they can extend this experience in the workplace in the future. An example of such software is Google workplace. Technology can thereby equip learners for future employment purposes.

4. Enhances Student-Teacher Relationship

Approximately 57% of teachers believe the internet has a significant impact on pupils’ ability to communicate ideas with them. Technology has increased the effectiveness of student-teacher relationships, from homework to classwork and online interactions.

5. Improves Students’ Cooperation

Also, technology encourages learners to interact outside of school, fostering increased idea-sharing. If students have access to technology, they are more likely to cooperate on team assignments. When children team up, even tricky tasks become pretty entertaining. Technology assists instructors in keeping track of what each learner contributes and evaluating the group’s overall work.

So with all of these benefits, it’s reasonable to say that we are better off with technology in our educational system than without it. If properly integrated, it can help foster 21st-century skills and digital citizenship, creativity, collaboration, and much more. The sooner we begin embracing educational technology, the better prepared we will be for the future.

Give your students an edge by partnering with Earlybrite.

Earlybrite is an education technology company that offers a wide range of fun and engaging on-demand courses like Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Blockchain, Coding, Augmented Reality and the Metaverse Games development, etc...

Our curriculum is designed to bring out the genius in kids. The classes offer them a one-of-a-kind opportunity to explore their interests in an in-depth hybrid session led by experienced educators.

We also provide schools with cutting-edge integrated technological solutions that help advance students’ learning experience. With years of assisting educators to enhance their classrooms with innovative technology, we’ve learned to identify resources aligned to specific learning objectives, facilitate instruction for teachers, highly engage students, and offer tremendous value to schools.

A partnership with Earlybrite can give schools an edge to thrive among many. To learn more about us, click here to visit our website.

